Effect of laser acupuncture on pulmonary functions and biomarkers in asthmatic children /
تأثر الوخز باللزرعلى وظائف التنفس و بعض الدلالات الحوة عند الاطفال المصابن بالربو
Mai Abdelaziz Elseoudy Elsheikh ; Supervised Mona Mohamed Soliman , Magda Yehia Elsefiy , Nagwa Hassan Mohamed
- Cairo : Mai Abdelaziz Elseoudy Elsheikh , 2016
- 189 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University -National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences - Department of Laser Application in Medicine and Biological
Back ground: Laser acupuncture is a painless and aseptic technique widely used as a complementary treatment for childhood diseases. Aim: to evaluate the therapeutic effect and the level of changes of some exhaled breath biomarkers (Nitric Oxide- 8-Isoprostane)in not well and very poorly controlled asthmatic children after therapeutic low-level laser acupuncture sessions. Method: The study was performed on forty eight not well and very poorly controlled asthmatic children in attack free period. They were randomized in two equal groups. Group A(LLLA) received low level laser acupuncture therapy on specific acupuncture points of asthma. Group B(SLA) was subjected to non-stimulated laser acupuncture sessions at the same points. Each patient received 3 sessions /week for 1 month Result: Asthma severity and level of asthma control were significantly improved in LLLA group than in SLA group(p<0.001).The improvement was associated with significant decrease of inhaled corticosteroids dose (ICS) and air way resistance at 5 and 20 Hez in LLLA group compared to SLA group(p<0.001). While asthma control questionnaire score and all spirometric parameters were significantly increased in LLLA group (p<0.001). As regard the laboratory investigation the exhaled breath condensate nitric oxide and 8-Isoprostane concentrations were significantly decreased in LLLA group than in SLA group (p<0.001)(22.8±9.1 versus 42.1±12.5), 8.1±5 versus 14.4±4.4), respectively. Conclusion: low intensity laser acupuncture therapy considered as valid, easily applicable effective complementary modality for better asthma control and severity grading. This was supported by the reduced exhaled breath condensate biomarkers
Asthmatic children Laser acupuncture Laser acupuncture on pulmonary