Manar Nasser Amin Mahmoud

Wavelet-based fast computer-aided characterization of liver steatosis using conventional B-mode ultrasound images / تقنية سريعة لتوصيف الكبد الدهنى بمساعدة الحاسب و استخدام المويجات و الصور التقليدية للموجات فوق الصوتية Manar Nasser Amin Mahmoud ; Supervised Ahmed M. Ehab Mahmoud , Muhammad Ali Rushdi - Cairo : Manar Nasser Amin Mahmoud , 2017 - 68 P. ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Systems and Biomedical Engineering

Hepatic steatosis occurs when lipids accumulate in the liver and can eventually liver failure requiring a liver transplant. This work develop a computationally-efficient technique to classify fatty liver using B-mode us images. The technique relies on extracting features from the Wavelet domain using the approximation part of us images. Features include the first-order gray-level parameters, co-occurrence matrices, and local binary patterns. The technique was tested using mouse livers and image of human livers. This technique shall improve the implementation of manufacturer independent real time techniques for fatty liver classification

Fatty liver disease Ultrasound images Wavelet packet transformation