Karim Gamal Amin Mohamed Ghanem

A comparative study of seismic land data near-surface velocity model building derived by 3d traveltime tomography and dispersion curves inversion techniques / دراسة مقارنة لاستنتاج سرعات الطبقات القريبة من سطح الأرض من المعلومات السيزمية باستخدام طريقتي التوموجرافية ثلاثية الأبعاد ومنحنيات التشتت Karim Gamal Amin Mohamed Ghanem ; Supervised Sharaf Eldin Mahmoud Sharaf Eldin , Walid Mohamed Mabrouk , Ahmad Awad Saleh - Cairo : Karim Gamal Amin Mohamed Ghanem , 2017 - 129 P. : charts , facsimiles , maps ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geophysics

In an attempt to reconstruct the near-surface velocity for the shallow subsurface in the area under study using two different approaches: 3D Traveltime Tomography and Dispersion Curves Inversion (DCI), a total of 26286 shot records were used from Matruh 3D onshore seismic survey. The results clearly demonstrated that both models showed similar velocity behavior in the first 100m, however, DCI output model exhibited a high velocity layer (100 m thick) with velocities up to 5000 m/s between depth (-100 m and 0 m) compared to slower ones in the tomographic model within this depth interval. The validity of the two output near-surface models was tested through direct calculation of static corrections and running pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) on seismic test line(s)

DCI Near-surface velocity Tomography