Precision and reproducibility of facial three-dimensional photogrammetry versus direct anthropmetry : A diagnostic accuracy study /
دقة وقابلية تكرار نتائج المسح التصويري ثلاثي الأبعاد للوجه مقارنة بالقياسات البشرية المباشرة : دراسة دقة تشخصية
Hadir Mohamed Galal Aboshady ; Supervised Mohammed Abdalalim Bushnaq , Fouad Ali Elsharaby , Fady Hussien Elsayed
- Cairo : Hadir Mohamed Galal Aboshady , 2017
- 108 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Orthodontics
Aim of the Study Evaluation of precision and reproducibility of the 3D facial images obtained from Planmeca ProMax 3D ProFace system by comparing them with direct anthropometry. Materials and Methods A diagnostic accuracy study was conducted including 46 participants (34 females and 34 males). They were imaged by Planmeca ProMax 3D ProFace system. 3D volumes obtained were uploaded on Planmeca Romexis 4.5.0.R software, 16 linear anthropometric measurements describing facial soft tissue parameters as described by Farkas were recorded. In addition, all participants had direct anthropometric measurements sessions using sliding and spreading calipers to record the same 16 linear anthropometric measurements. The digital measurements were repeated by the same operator twice with one week interval. Additionally, second observer repeated the same measurements to assess both intra and inter-observer reliability respectively. Mean values, mean difference and standard deviation with confidence interval 95% were estimated. For statistical analysis; Pearson correlation confident (r) and Bland-Altman test were used to evaluate the accuracy, Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) and Relative Error Magnitude were calculated to assess precision. For reprodcibilty; IntraClass Correlation Coefficient was done for Inter and Intra- observer reliability. Lastly for Bias assessment Paired t-test was calculated
Direct anthropmetry Facial three-dimensional photogrammetry MAD