Ahmed Abdelghafour Awad Elsayed

Effect of chemical fertilization, plant spacing and drying methods on the herb and essential oil production of summer savory plant / تأثير التسميد الكيماوى و مسافات الزراعة و طرق التجفيف على إنتاج العشب و الزيت الطيار لنبات الندغ البستاني Ahmed Abdelghafour Awad Elsayed ; Supervised Ahmed Salama Elleithy , Safia Hamdy Mahmoud , Mohamed Eldesoki Khattab - Cairo : Ahmed Abdelghafour Awad Elsayed , 2017 - 227 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Ornamental Horticulture

This study was conducted at the experimental farm of the Ornamental Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt during the two successive seasons of 2014 and 2015. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of nitrogen rates of 0.0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N/feddan, and plant spacing at 1550, 3050 and 4550 cm on the growth, yield and chemical composition of summer savory, Satureja hortensis L. plant. Also, the effect of different drying methods sun, shade, oven at 45C and freeze at -45C on the dry weight %, essential oil % and constituents and pigments content were investigated. The results pointed out that the fertilized plants by N especially at high levels 80 and 120 kg N/fed. increased plant height, fresh and dry herbs yield, glandular hairs, essential oil yield / plant and per feddan, chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids and N, P and K contents. Stem and leaf anatomy was investigated. The narrowest spacing (1550 cm) increased the yield of herb and essential oil per feddan, while the widest (4550 cm) increased it per plant. The plant spacing had different effect on the pigments and nutrients contents at both cuts in the two seasons. The plants fertilized with the highest level of N (120 kg N/fed.) and cultivated at narrowest spacing significantly increased the herb and oil yields per feddan than the other combination treatments. Generally, seven components were identified in the essential oil of summer savory plant. Carvacrol and Þ-terpinene % were the two major constituents, while the other components; u-cymene, terpinene, Ü- terpinene, Ü-pinene, Ü- thujene % were found in small contents indesending order. All components had no clear trend as affected by nitrogen fertilization and plant spacing at both cuts in both seasons

Nitrogen fertilization Plant spacing Summer savory