Antibiotic residues in different chicken parts /
بقايا المضادات الحيوية فى قطعيات الدواجن المختلفة
Nehal Mohamed Mohamed Saleh ; Supervised Mohamed K. Elmossalami , Hussein M. Hussein , Nabil M. Marzouk
- Cairo : Nehal Mohamed Mohamed Saleh , 2017
- 66 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Food Hygiene and Control
A total of 120 freshly slaughtered broiler chickens (50 each of breast and thigh and 5 each of thigh with skin, breast with skin, liver and kidney) were collected from both Menufiya and Cairo governorates (25 chicken from each governorate while liver, kidney and thigh and breast with skin were from Menufiya governorate due to the higher incidence) for detection of the residual level of streptomycin, gentamicin, florfenicol, lincospectin and enrofloxacin. The detection and estimation of such antibiotics were applied by Micrbiological Inhibiotion Test & HPLC. The overall incidence of antibiotic residues positive samples resulted from microbiological inhibition test were 40% each of liver and kidney, it was also 40% for each of thigh with skin and breast with skin and 36% and 20% for thigh and breast, respectively. The mean concentrations (for positive samples) of antibiotic residues by HPLC at Menufiya governorate were higher than those in Cairo governorate. By HPLC, the arrangement of mean concentration from the highest to the lowest at Menufiya governorate will be streptomycin residues in examined samples by ppb were (1588.8± 488.92 for thigh) and (1048.75± 290.46 for breast) followed by the only lincospectin sample (259.2± 0 for thigh) then gentamycin (142.05±84.75 for thigh and 103.5±0 for breast) and after that florfenicol (26.34±7.52 for thigh and 11.24±3.06 for breast). For enrofloxacin, there wasnt any positive sample. At Cairo governorate, there werent any neither lincospectin nor enrofloxacin residues in examined samples. The arrangement from the highest to the lowest will be streptomycin (1572±237 for thigh and 543±82 for breast), gentamicin (97.65±58.55 for thigh and 61.7±0 for breast), florfenicol (18.95±4.88 for thigh and 5.53±0.64 for breast), and finally lincospectin and enrofloxacin with zero value. Cooking methods (boiling, roasting and frying) reduced the antibiotic residues in the examined samples with different values for different cooking method and different antibiotic content