Botanical studies on the deficiency of some nutrient elements in cotton and tomato /
دراسات نباتية على نقص بعض العناصر الغذائية فى نباتى القطن والطماطم
Gamal Farag Mohamed Farag ; Supervised Ali Mohamed Abed , Saad Abd El Wahab Mohamed , Ramadan Abd El Azeem Agamy
- Cairo : Mamdouh Mohamed Taher AbdulKader , 2006
- 84L : ill ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Fayoum University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Botany
Plant height , internode length , number of branches / plant (and number of fruiting branches / plant in cotton) , fresh and dry weights / plant in cotton and tomato were decreased by N , P , K , Fe , Zn or Mn deficiency