Description, surgical management and outcome of gastric cancer in young Egyptians 40 years or younger : A retrospective cCohort study at the National Cancer Institute /
الوصف و العلاج الجراحى و نتائج العلاج لسرطان المعدة فى السن المبكر فى المصريين أربعون عاما أو أقل : دراسة حشدية مرجعية فى المعهد القومى للأورام
Mahmoud Rezk Mahmoud Hassona ; Supervised Amr Abdelmegid Attia , Ghada Mahmoud Sherif , Tarek Sherif Elbaradie
- Cairo : Mahmoud Rezk Mahmoud Hassona , 2017
- 137 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department of Oncology-Surgical
Background: gastric cancer is rare in young and exhibits more aggressive biological behavior and worse prognosis. Objective: describe gastric cancer with its surgical management and outcome in young Egyptians. Patients and methods: Patients records retrieved retrospectively from biostatistics and cancer epidemiology department, NCI. Results: young Egyptians had advanced stages, poorly differentiated, diffuse histologic type and worse survival. Conclusion: Gastric cancer had high percentage among young Egyptians with poor prognosis and worse survival