Cost-benefit analysis of an accredited faculty from different perspectives : Students, alumni, faculty staff, empolyees and stakeholders /
تحليل التكلفة والمنفعة لكلية معتمدة من وجهات نظر مختلفة : الطلاب: الخريجين: هيئة التدريس: العاملين والمستفيدين من الخدمة
Amany Abdelghany Sadek Elbealy ; Supervised Fatma Ahmed Abed , Eglal Ahmed Abdelwahab
- Cairo : Amany Abdelghany Sadek Elbealy , 2017
- 103 , 12 Leaves ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Nursing Services Administration
Background: accreditation process is lengthy, costly (direct/indirect) and some institutions need several years to achieve this status to obtain its benefits (the benefits should be outweighing the costs). Aim: The aim of the current study is to assess cost-benefit outcome of an accredited faculty from different perspectives: Students, Alumni, Faculty Staff, Employees, and Stakeholders. Design: A descriptive design was utilized to achieve the stated aim of current study. Setting: the study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing-Cairo University and Cairo University Hospitals in areas of nursing interns clinical practice. Sample: A stratified random sample for students (n= 308) was used, while convenient samples were used for alumni (n= 66), faculty staff (n=109), faculty employees (n= 37) and Stakeholders (n= 40). Tool: data was collected by using Noeman, Harmina & Elsaied (2015) questionnaire to assess cost-benefit of an accredited faculty. Results: the current study revealed that the students (65.7%), faculty staff (69.8%), employees (66.7%) and stakeholders (78.6%) views the highest benefit of accredited faculty as 2Improve status, prestige, and reputation3, while alumni (68.3%) viewed its benefits improve human and non-human resources. Besides, both faculty staff (80.5%) and employees (75.7%) perceived the cost of accreditation as high cost. conclusion: the most important benefits perceived by study participants were improve status, prestige, and reputation and improve human and non-human resources, while indirect cost was highly perceived cost. Recommendations: the faculty of nursing should be maintained the accreditation status