Layla Hafed Abdulla Fadhel

Incidence of candida albicans in oral squamous cell carcinoma with and without lymph nodes metastasis in comparison with oral dysplasia using PAS stain and PCR : In vitro study / الإصابة بالمبيضات البيض في سرطان الخلايا الحرشفية الفموي مع وبدون الإنتشار للعقد الليمفاوية في مقارنة مع النمو الفموي الشاذ باستخدام صبغة الحمض الدوري شيف وتفاعل البوليميريز المتسلسل : دراسة مخبرية Layla Hafed Abdulla Fadhel ; Supervised Heba Ahmed Farag , Dalia Hussein Elrouby , Olfat Gamil Shaker - Cairo : Layla Hafed Abdulla Fadhel , 2017 - 108 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Candida hyphae and spores were detected by PAS in 11 specimens (20.3 %) of total 54 studied specimens. This was confirmed by the morphological appearance of rods having magenta color. Using RT-PCR, CaADH1 mRNA was detected in 29 specimens of total 54 studied specimens (53.7 %). This was confirmed by the appearance of band at the same level of the marker identical in length to the CaADH1 mRNA gene. All control group specimens were negative for Candida hyphae, spores and CaADH1 mRNA. Candida hyphae and spores were detected by PAS in only one of the oral dysplasia specimens and the same case was positive for CaADH1 mRNA by RT-PCR. In OSCC without lymph node metastasis group, 5 out of the 16 studied specimens in that group were positive by PAS, whereas the whole 16 specimens were positive by RT-PCR. Moreover, in OSCC with lymph node metastasis, 5 out of 15 studied specimens in that group were positive by PAS, whereas the whole 12 specimens were positive by RT-PCR