Role of multislice computed tomography 3D volumetric analysis in assessment of the therapeutic response of hepatocellular carcinoma after transarterial chemoembolization /
دور الأشعة المقطعية ثلاثية الأبعاد في تقييم الاستجابة العلاجية لسرطان الكبد بعد الحقن الشرياني بالعلاج الكيميائي
Ahmed Shawky Ali Farag ; Supervised Haney Ahmed Samy , Tamer Mahmoud Elbaz , Mohamed Fouad Abdellatef
- Cairo : Ahmed Shawky Ali Farag , 2018
- 92 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis
Volumetric analysis is a modern method used in radiology to measure target lesions in three dimensions and to estimate their volume. Currently, it is used for the evaluation of the assessment of the anticipated remaining volume and function of liverafter partial hepatectomy before the surgery, and the evaluation of the response of tumors to treatment. It has been proven to be more accurate than the standard one- or two-dimensional measurement. Purpose To compare currently available nonthree-dimensional methods (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors [RECIST], modified RECIST [mRECIST[) with three-dimensional (3D) quantitative methods of the index tumor asa modern tool for evaluation the response of one of the most common tumors, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), after the treatment by transarterial chemoembolization (TACE). Materials and Methods This study includes 50 adult patients (47 males & 3 females, mean age, 61.68 years ± 6.59 [standard deviation] )with the diagnosis of HCC (confirmed eitherhistologically or by the typical features of HCC) who underwent TACE at interventional radiology unit, radiology department, Cairo University Hospitals, and their input/output CT( triphasic CT abdomen, contrastenhanced) follow-up was available . After the performance of theinput CT they undergo TACE: In local anaesthesia, a contrast agent was applied viacommon femoral artery, then a selective catheterization of the celiac trunk wasperformed to map the blood vessels of liver. Next, the interventional radiologistidentify the pathological vascularization and supply it with the chemoembolizationmaterial. According to the extension of the lesion, the follow-up CT was performedafter 1 to 4 months. All volumetric analyses were done using computer program. The evaluation of thevolume of tumors was performed on the input CT before TACE, and on output CTafter TACE. Each response assessment method (RECIST, mRECISTand 3D methods of volumetric RECIST [vRECIST]) was used to classify patients as responders or nonresponders by following standard guidelines for the uni-dimensional measurements and by using the formula for a sphere for the 3D measurements
Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer(BCLC) Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) Transcatheter arterial cehmoembolization(TACE)