Mariam Mahmoud Arafa

A stylistic analysis of Mysticism in Gibran Kahlil Gibrans The Prophet and Ameen Rihanis / تحليل أسلوبي للروحانية في الديوان الشعري "النبي "لجبران خليل جبران و "أنشودة الصوفية " لأمين ريحاني Mariam Mahmoud Arafa ; Supervised Salwa Kamel - Cairo : Mariam Mahmoud Arafa , 2018 - 207 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.A.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Arts - Department of English

This study attempts to provide insights into the manner in which a stylistic examination of the linguistic tools employed in Gibrans The Prophet and Rihanis A Chant of Mystics support the presentation and interpretation of the theme of mysticism. This is done through analyzing the stylistic devices used in eight poems in Gibrans collection and four parts of Rihanis lengthy title poem. The main research question is how the theme of mysticism is revealed in the poems of Gibran and Rihani. The answer is provided in responding to four research sub-questions on the frequency of the processes used, the participants and circumstances involved, the deictic elements employed, and the cohesive devices used to create unity. From the available linguistic approaches to stylistics, the study adopted functional stylistics, providing a detailed analysis of the data in terms of Hallidays FG, in addition to the deictic elements and cohesive devices employed to express the theme of mysticism. In terms of transitivity, material and relation processes prevailed to describe the influence of the mystical view of the world on the transformation of mans life, aided by location and manner circumstances to temporally and spatially universalize the theme and enforce the description of mans transformation, respectively. Deictic elements have been examined to point to the mystical references in the poems

Functional Grammar Mysticism Stylistics