The use of supraglottic I-gel airway as a conduit for fiberoptic guided and blind intubation in children : Randomized controlled trial study /
استخدام الممر الهوائى الفوق حنجرى أى جل كوسيلة لتركيب الأنبوبة الحنجرية استرشادا بمنظار الألياف الضوئية مقارنة بتركيبها بدون استخدام منظار حنجرى
Amr Galal Elsherbeny ; Supervised Maha Gamil Hanna , Manal Mohamed Elgohary , Mohammed Elayashy Mohamed
- Cairo : Amr Galal Elsherbeny , 2018
- 83 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
The practice of airway management has become more advanced in the recent decades. Pediatrics are not small adults, there are a number of anatomical differences which make airway management difficult than adults. A supraglottic airway device is designed to maintain a clear airway while sitting above, and creating a seal around the larynx. In pediatrics, SGAs are used for the management of normal as well difficult airways. They are now incorporated in difficult pediatric airway algorithms. The I-gel is the innovate second generation supraglottic airway and it is considered the first major development since LMA. I-gel has been used as a conduit for tracheal intubation with the help of fiberoptic bronchoscope in several studies but limited studies are found to prove the efficacy of use of I-gel for blind intubation in pediatrics