Assessment of anatomical variations of nasopalatine canal in adult Egyptian normal population in both sexes using cone beam computed tomography : Observational cross sectional study /
تقييم الإختلافات التشريحية للقناة الأنفية الحنكية فى السكان البالغين المصريين الطبيعيين فى الجنسين بإستخدام الأشعة المقطعية بالحاسوب مخروطية الشعاع : دراسة مقطعية وصفية
Aya Rabie Abdeltawab ; Supervised Sherouk Hassan Ali Khalifa , Omniya AbuEldahab
- Cairo : Aya Rabie Abdeltawab , 2017
- 112 P. : charts , facsimiles , photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral (Radiology and Diagnosis)
The characteristic description of the NP canal and the knowledge of its contents and variable appearance are crucial to optimizing surgical planning and avoiding complications such as non-osseointegration of the implant due to contact with nervous tissue or sensory dysfunction that could happen. This study was conducted as an attempt to assess the anatomical variations of the NP canal in adult Egyptian normal population in both sexes using CBCT. Fifty four participants were included in the study (27males and 27 females) where they were indicated for CBCT scanning for purposes rather than any pathological condition in the anterior maxilla. All the participants were free of any systemic disease affecting bone density and shape as well as absence of any pathological lesions or fractures. Canal morphology and measurements of the canal dimensions, inclination and its relation with the central incisors were statistically analyzed. From the current study the following conclusions are offered:-CBCT is a valuable tool to record the morphology and measurements of the NP canal where the gender showed influence on the recorded findings of this study. In Egyptian population, the form of the NP canal is variable, predominantly hourglass or cylinder shaped laterally and frontally they are mainly Y shaped. Statistical significance between genders was noticed for the canal length, the inclination of the canal in relation to the hard palate and the central incisor, dimension of the labial bone at the NP foramen level as well as the relation of the canal with the left central incisor
Adult Egyptian normal population Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Nasopalatine canal