Hend Monir Hassan Mohamed

Molecular characterization of Eimeria tenella infecting chicken in Egypt / التمييز الجزيئي للايميريا تينيلا التى تصيب الدجاج في مصر Hend Monir Hassan Mohamed ; Supervised Waheed M. Ali Mousa , Sahar Z. Abdelmawgood , Salwa M. Awadalla - Cairo : Hend Monir Hassan Mohamed, 2018 - 114 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Parasitology

Coccidiosis in chickens is one of the major problems of poultry industry that is caused by protozoan parasites of genus Eimeria. Cecal contents and cecal mucosal scraping samples were collected from 50 naturally infected native broiler chicken aging 25 days. The post mortem examination showed hemorrhagic mucosa with bloody cecal core in two cecai. Eimeria oocysts were isolated by single oocyst technique. The obtained sporulated oocysts were identified according to morphological features, and the calculated mean oocyst shape index of randomly 50 oocysts (1.22 om), mean length (25.2 om) with SD (±2.24 om), and mean width (20.6 om) with SD (±1.6om) as E. tenella. Species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test targeting the internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) sequences of the genomic rDNA using primer pairs (E. tenella ET, E. maxima Ema and Emu and E. nexatrix EN) was performed for isolated Eimeria species. The results of species-specific PCR assays confirmed the presence of E. tenella as it has the characteristic in all of the tested samples bp of 278 at common optimum annealing temperature for this species was determined to be 58 C but it didnt show any band with other previous mentioned primer pairs

Broiler chicken Coccidiosis E. tenella