Stabilization of expansive sub-grade soil by hydrated lime and dolomitic-limestone by-product DLP /
تدعيم تربة الأساس الإنتفاشية بإستخدام الجير المطفى وناتج مخلفات تكسير حجر الدولوميت
Amira Hussein Ahmed Ahmed Mohamed ; Supervised Hani Abdellateef Lofti , Asmaa Moddather Hassan , Mohamed Abdellateef Albarqawy
- Cairo : Amira Hussein Ahmed Ahmed Mohamed , 2018
- 80 P. : facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering
This thesis studied the effect of adding two stabilizer agents, hydrated lime and Dolomiticlimestone byproduct (DLP), on artificial soil mixture (S-M). This S-M consisted of 60% bentonite and 40% sand. Each stabilizing agent was added as a percentage of the dry weight of the soil mixture: 3%, 6%, 9% and 12% of hydrated lime and 12%, 24%, and 48% of DLP. The study was also extended to make a comparison between hydrated lime and the DLP stabilizer based on the effectiveness of improvement and cost. Both of stabilizers reduce the swelling and improve the strength of S-M. The hydrated lime is more effective than the DLP in stabilizing the DLP, but it is also more expensive than the DLP