Diagnostic accuracy of (planmeca pro max 3D Mid) CBCT unit in detection of second mesiobuccal root canal in maxillary molars by using different voxel sizes : Diagnostic accuracy study /
للتصوير المقطعي بالحاسوب مخروطى الشعاع فى تحديد القناة الجذرية الدانية الشدقية الثانية فى أضراس الفك العلوى باستخدام وحدات حجم مختلفة Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid الدقة التشخيصية لجهاز : دراسة دقة تشخيصة
Asmaa Ahmed Hassan ; Supervised Nashwa Salah Mohamed , Dina Fahim
- Cairo : Asmaa Ahmed Hassan , 2018
- 113 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral (Radiology and Diagnosis)
The success of endodontic treatment is directly correlated to the complexity of root canal system. It is generally accepted that a major cause of failure of root canal treatment is the inability to recognize the presence of and to adequately treat all canals of the root canal system. Permanent maxillary molars have one of the most complex root canal anatomies.This diagnostic accuracy study focused on the effect of the use of different voxel sizes of PlanmecaProMax 3D Mid CBCT unit to evaluate the ability to accurately detect the number of canals in mesiobuccal root of maxillary molars.Twenty four maxillary molars fulfilling the inclusion criteria were inserted in acrylic models, with six teeth embedded in each model in Inlay wax for support. The acrylic cast was placed in a plastic container filled with water to simulate the soft tissues. All acrylic casts were scanned using PlanmecaProMax 3D Mid CBCT unit at three different voxel sizes (0.075 mm, 0.2 mm, and 0.4 mm). After that, the scans were assessed by two radiologists twice with two weeks interval for inter and intra-observer agreement using Planmeca Romexis Viewer 4.5.0.R on a personal computer. The observers used the three orthogonal planes (axial, coronal and sagittal) to detect the MB2 canal and they were free to adjust the brightness and contrast of the image according to their needs