On the cluster radioactivity of heavy nuclei /
النشاط الإشعاعى العنقودي للأنوية الثقيلة
Laila Hassan Mohammad Amer ; Supervised Walaa Mohamed Seif , Mahmoud Yahia Ismail , Amal I. Refaei
- Cairo : Laila Hassan Mohammad Amer , 2018
- 112 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Physics
The most probable cluster decays that might be observed from ²¹⁷-²³⁸U isotopes have been investigated. The more-probable binary fragmentations corresponding to the local minima in the driving potentials with respect to the mass number Ac and atomic number Zc, individually, are singled out. The calculations are preformed based on the Skyrme-SLy4 nucleon-nucleon interaction and the folded Coulomb interaction. In the frame work of the preformed cluster model, we calculated the cluster decays half-lives and their branching ratios, with respect to the total half-life of the investigated isotope. The quantum knocking frequency and penetration probability based on the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation are used to find the decay width. We considered the more-probable decays that commonly manifest themselves via cold valleys in the driving potentials with respect to both Ac and Zc. Among the indicated favored decays involving emitted light clusters heavier than Ü-particle, 28 decay modes exhibit calculated half-lives less than 10²² years with branching ratio larger than 10-¹⁴%
Cluster radioactivity Half-life Preformation probability