Rare elements signature of stream sediments of East Wadi Karim, South West Quseir, Eastern Desert, Egypt /
بصمة العناصر النادرة فى الرواسب الوديانية : شرق وادي كريم : جنوب غرب القصير الصحراء الشرقية : مصر
Mostafa Mohamed Omar Mohamed Hassan Elwakil ; Supervised Ahmed A. Elkammar , Yasser Medhat Abdelrahman , Mohammad Fathy Abdelfattah
- Cairo : Mostafa Mohamed Omar Mohamed Hassan Elwakil , 2018
- 92 Leaves : charts , facsimiles , maps ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geology
Hamadat area represents the catchment zone of an elliptical diaper-like intrusion pluton trending NNW-SSE. This pluton is one of the granitic diaper series exposed along the road that have yielded ages between 590 and 597 Ma. It is composed mainly of K-feldspar (22-52 vol.%), plagioclase (13-45 vol.%), quartz (19-39 vol.%), and biotite (up to 12 vol.%). Based on this modal composition, it is classified as monzogranite and it is highly jointed and exfoliated. Pegmatite and quartz veins and pods dissect it. It is also considered as homogenous, in terms of composition. Riebeckite-bearing granite is recorded in the northwestern segment of the pluton and it is composed mainly of perthite (up to 55%), quartz (35-40%), albite (5-15%), riebeckite (<5%) and biotite (<5%) and commonly sheared and highly silicified. The recorded non-opaque heavy minerals in the studied stream sediments include biotite, hornblende, riebeckite, epidote, and garnet, together with the accessory minerals; zircon, rutile, titanite, tourmaline, monazite and xenotime. Thorite, allanite, monazite, zircon, and apatite are recorded in the heavy mineral fraction as REE-bearing minerals