Prevalence of work related low back pain among physical therapists with different foot postures at Fayoum-Egypt : Survey study /
انتشار الم اسفل الظهر المتعلق بالعمل بين اخصائى العلاج الطبيعى فى اوضاع القدم المختلفة الفيوم - مصر
Hossam Eldin Ahmed Ibrahim Abdelazeem ; Supervised Salwa Fadl Abdelmeged , Ebtessam Fawzy Gomaa , Alaa Elmarakby
- Cairo : Hossam Eldin Ahmed Ibrahim Abdelazeem , 2018
- 81 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Musculoskeletal Disorders
Background: low back pain is the commonest form of musculoskeletal disorder among physical therapists. repetitive tasks, high force manual techniques, bending/twisting postures, patient transfer assisting with mat activities, lifting heavy equipment, prolonged constrained posture and foot abnormalties identified as risk factors of low back pain which is common in the field of physical therapy. Purposes: To identify prevalence of work related LBP among physical therapists with different foot postures and find the relation of WRLBP to general characteristics and foot postures who working in governmental hospitals in fayoum-Egypt. Methods: The LBP measured by Nordic questionnaires (NQ) and foot postures measured by foot posture index (FPI). Results: 112 of the 147 P.Ts (76.19%) have completed the questionnaire. WRLBP (n=68), Non WRLBP (n=25), No LBP (n=19). The lifetime prevalence of WRLBP was 60.71%, the twelve-month prevalence of WRLBP was 52.67%, the point prevalence of WRLBP was 47.32%. There was no significant association of WRLBP with gender (