Yasmeen Mohamed Abodief Allam

Molecular genetic response to heat stress in cows-Bos taurus and river buffalo-Bubalus bubalis bubalis in Egypt / الاستجابة الوراثية الجزيئية للاجهاد الحرارى فى الأبقار- بوس تاوروس و الجاموس النهرى - بيوبالس بيوباليس بيوباليس فى مصر Yasmeen Mohamed Abodief Allam ; Supervised Mohamed Akmal Elghor , Adel Khalil Ebrahim , Abdelmohsen Hammam - Cairo : Yasmeen Mohamed Abodief Allam , 2018 - 115 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Zoology

The aim of the present work was to study the effect of heat stress on the ovarian intra-follicular microenvironment of the Egyptian cattle "Bos taurus" and buffalo "Bubalus bubalis bubalis" as a key stone into the reproduction process. Follicular fluid samples were collected by aspiration from medium sized ovarian follicles of Egyptian cattle "Bos taurus" and buffalo "Bubalus bubalis bubalis" during spring and summer seasons. Part of the follicular fluid samples were searched for oocytes and another part was stored at -80C for hormonal and gene expression analysis. The picked up oocytes were examined under stereomicroscope and divided according to their morphological state into four classes: A (excellent), B (good), C (fair) and D (poor). Total oocytes recovery rates were recorded as well as the percentages of each class. Oocytes of classes A and B were used for IVM and IVF, the oocytes maturation, fertilization, cleavage, morulae and blastocyst formation rates were recorded and data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA. The hormonal levels of progesterone and 17Ý-estradiol were estimated by the ELISA technique and statistically analyzed using student's t-test. The changes in mRNA expression levels of the FST, INHBA and ESR2 genes were determined using real-time PCR, the data were analyzed using the 2-xxct method and statistical significance was evaluated using the student's t-test

Buffalo Cattle Heat stress