Use of tissue culture technique for propagating some rare ornamental shrubs (rondeletia odorata and Vangueria edulis ) /
أستخدام تقنية زراعة الأنسجة فى أكثار بعض شجيرات الزينة النادرة - رونديليتيا وفانجيريا
Mai Mahmoud Mohamed Ibrahim ; Supervised Hamdy Mohamed Ali Elbagoury , Atef Mohamed Zakaria Sarhan , Faisal Mohamed Abdelaleam Saadawy
- Cairo : Mai Mahmoud Mohamed Ibrahim , 2018
- 134 P. : charts , facimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Ornamental Horticulture
This work was carried out at Ornamental Horticulture Department Fac. of Agriculture, Cairo University, and the experimental work in the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt during the period from 2015 to 2017, to investigate some factors affecting the propagation of the two rare ornamental plants, Rondeletia odorata and Vangueria edulis by tissue culture. Results could be briefed in the following: Establishment stage of Rondeletia odorata, sterilization the highest survival% was achieved by using Clorox at 15%.In Multiplication stage, Experiment 1: combinations of MS+2 ppm BAP; MS+0, 1 or 2 ppm BAP; MS+1, 2 or 3 ppm BAP and full MS+3 ppm BAP achieved the first rank concerning shooting%. Experiment 2: the first category was achieved by BAP at 1 ppm for survival%, BAP at2 ppm for shoot number, BAP at 3 ppm for shoot number and shooting%, in addition to 2-iP at 1 ppm for survival%, shoot number, leaf number and shoot length. In Rooting stage: with no AC applied, the first position was scored by the control treatment, IBA 0.5 ppm or NAA 0.5 ppm in the survival%; in addition to NAA 0.5 ppm with or without AC and NAA 1.0 ppm+with AC concerning shoot number and shoot length; in addition to the control treatment+with AC for shoot length and NAA 1.0 ppm+with AC for leaf number. In Acclimatization stage: the only potting medium that succeeded in harbouring the in vitro-produced Rondeletia odorata plantlets was the peat moss