Effect of kinesio tape and exercise on quadriceps angle in patients with flat foot /
تأثير لاصقة الكينسيو والتمارين على زاوية العضلة الرباعيه في مرضى تفلطح القدم
Mona Samir Ismail Elshahawy ; Supervised Maher Ahmed Elkeblawy , Amr Abdallah Azam , Enas Abutaleb
- Cairo : Mona Samir Ismail Elshahawy , 2018
- 88 P. : charts , facsimiles , photoghraphs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Basic Science
Back ground: Adult acquired flatfoot deformity embraces a wide spectrum of deformities. Foot arch collapse shifts the body weight toward the foot medial border which places the entire lower limb in excessive internal rotation. The misalignment resulting from flatfoot increase Quadriceps angle above normal values that affect the lower limb function. Purpose: The current study was conducted to investigate the effect of traditional flatfoot treatment alone on the quadriceps angle value and combination of it with kinesio taping of quadriceps muscles. Methods: Pre-Posttest randomized control trial. 14patients with acquired flatfoot were assigned as group (A) received traditional flatfoot treatment with faradic stimulation and exercise, other 14 as compared were assigned as group (B) received traditional flatfoot treatment combined with kinesio taping of quadriceps. Patients age ranged from 20 to 40 years. Computerized photogrammetry was used to evaluate quadriceps angle and foot print (Denis method) to evaluate flatfoot degree