Eman Magdy Ahmed Muhammad

Platelet lysate muco-adhesive formulation compared to Clobetasol as topical treatment of methotrexate-induced oral ulceration in patients with rheumatoid arthritis : Randomised clinical trial / مقارنة التأثير الدوائي للصفائح الدموية المحللة بتركيبة لاصقة على الغشاء المخاطي و الكلوبيتزول الموضعي(كورتيزون) لعلاج القرح الفمية الناتجة عن استخدام عقار الميثوتريكسات لدى مرضى الروماتيزم : تجربة سريرية عشوائية Eman Magdy Ahmed Muhammad ; Supervised Soheir Mohamed Gaafar , Laila Mohamed Rashed , Shereen Ali Hassan - Cairo : Eman Magdy Ahmed Muhammad , 2018 - 113 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Periodontology

Ulcers are common symptoms observed in the oral cavity and some ulcerations are induced by drug medications. When ulcers show typical clinical findings diagnosis may be easy, but the management could not be at the same ease.Many drugs have been reported to induce oral ulcerations. Among them, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of chronic disorders such as, diabetes, angina pectoris, RAand osteoporosis. MTX is a well-established chemotherapeuticagent used for treatment of acute lymphocyticleukemia, lymphomas, chorio-carcinoma, and some solidtumours. It is increasingly used in low-dose regimes fora variety of non-neoplastic conditions and its uses andadverse effects are of increasing significance to dentists.RA is the most common rheumatic disease,and low-dose (5-20 mg per week) MTX is used extensively as a line of treatment of RA. Low dose MTX has been associated with many toxic effects. Oral ulceration and mucositis are common adverse effects. Through the published data, the management of MTX induced oral ulcer was achieved by cessation or temporarily omission of the MTX dose until re-epithelialization. Up to July 2018, the electronic data bases searched didnt have any randomised clinical trial addressing management of MTX induced oral ulcer in RA patientsinduced oral ulcers in patients with RA

Methotrexate Oral ulcers Platelet lysate