Open versus closed kineticchain exercise on knee extensor strength in diplegiccerebral palsy /
التمارين المتسلسلة المفتوحة مقابل المغلقة على قوة العضلات الباسطة للركبة في حالات الشلل الدماغي المزدوج
Yasmine Mohamed Abdelrazek Eletreby ; Supervised Khaled Ahamed Olma , Sherif Nassief Girgis , Heba Hazaa Abdelwahab
- Cairo : Yasmine Mohamed Abdelrazek Eletreby , 2018
- 105 P. : charts , photoghraphs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Growth and Development Disorders Pediatrics
Background: Ambulant children with diplegic cerebral palsy, even those who are mildly affected, have significant lower limb weakness when compared with controls and there is incremental drop in strength in all muscle groups with increasing walking difficulty. Objective: To compare between the effects of open versus closed kinetic chain exercise on knee extensor strength and improving gross motor function in diplegic cerebral palsy. Participants and methods: Thirty children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy from both genders, age ranged from five to eight years participated in this study. They were assigned randomly into two groups of equal numbers; group A and group B. Children in group A received closed kinetic chain exercise (loaded sit to stand exercise) in addition to selected therapeutic exercise program, three days/week for six successive weeks. Children in group B received open kinetic chain exercise (progressive lower limb resisted strength training) in addition to the same selected therapeutic exercise program given to group A, three days/week for six successive weeks.Hand held dynamometer was used to evaluate knee extensor muscle strength in the two groups before and after six weeks of application the treatment program
Closed kinetic chain exercise Knee extensor Open kinetic chain exercise