Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim

Real - time sonography for screening of gallbladder motility in diabtic patients and its relation to autonomic and peripheral neuropathy / اختبار مسحى باستعمال تخطيط الصدى الحويصلة الصفراوية فى مرضى السكر من النوع الثانى و علاقتها بالاعتلال العصبى المستقل و المحيطى Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim ; Supervised Rawia Khater , Hebatallah Mustafa Kamal , Yasser Bakr Mohamed - Cairo : Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim , 2007 - 117P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Internal Medicine

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is known as one of the factor causing the cholestrol gallstone.The aim of present study was to investigate gallbladder function (motility) in diabetic patients type 2 and determine its relation with peripheral and autonomic neuropathy

Autonomic and peripheral neuropathy Gallbladder Real - time sonography