Haidy Ahmed Emam Ahmed

The impact of coded &uncoded written corrective feedback of grammatical errors on students' writing accuracy / تأثير التصحيح الكتابى للأخطاء النحوية باستخدام الرموز او عدمه على دقة كتابة دارسى اللغة الانجليزية كلغة اجنبية Haidy Ahmed Emam Ahmed ; Supervised Norice William Methiasc - Cairo : Haidy Ahmed Emam Ahmed , 2018 - 120 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.A.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Arts - Department of English

Thepresent research investigates two different strategies of written corrective feedback (WCF) to improve students grammatical accuracy in writing. These two strategies are coded and uncoded WCF. In Coded written corrective feedback the teacher mentions where the error takes place and she identifies the type of the error in the form of a code. For instance, SVA means there is an error in the use of subject verb agreement. UncodedWCF occurs when the teacher makes a circle or underlines the exact error and rewrites the correction on top.The present study focuses on coded and uncoded WCF with respect to the present simple and present perfect only. The present study was conducted on 37 students and they were divided into two groups; group A for coded which consisted of 19 students while group B for the uncoded which included 18 students. The study lasted for seven weeks. Week one and seven served as pre-test and post-test. In the last session (week seven) the teacher distributed the questionnaire to the students to reveal their attitudes towards coded and uncoded written corrective feedback. The results revealed that the coded group outperformed the uncoded one in using both tenses. Additionally, the questionnaire showed the coded group prefer the coded CF method rather than the uncoded group

Coded corrective feedback Uncoded corrective feedback Written corrective feedback