Mahmoud Ebeid Shahat Maghraby

Demotic Documents from Sedment El Gebel / وثائق ديموطيقية من سيدمنت الجبل Mahmoud Ebeid Shahat Maghraby ; Supervised Ola ElAguizy - Cairo : Mahmoud Ebeid Shahat Maghraby. , 2006 - 173L : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Archaeology - Department Of Egyptology

This study aims at shedding a light on an important and unfamiliar source of Demotic Documents '' Cartonnage of Demotic Papyri'' , which recovered from the mummies of the human and sacred animalsAs well as study This dissertation is divided into two parties , the first part deals with , Ihnasya El - Medina (Herakleopolis Magna) and its importance , Sedment El - Gebel , the main necropolis of Ihnasya , provenance of documents , The Cartonnage , cartonnage of demotic papyri and its content , description of the papyri , and dating of the papyri While the second part is dedicated to study of the documents which comprise several topics such as : letters , accounts , lists of the proper names , contracts , texts dealing with the arable lands At the end , the results , and Appendix consisting of demotic words , proper names , titles and professions , divine names , numerals , fractions , dating , Hieroglyphic , Coptic , Greek , and Arabic words quotes , s well as plates and facsimiles

Archive Cartonnage of Demotic Papyri Demotic Documents Gesso Ihnasya El - Medina Mummies of the sacred animals Sedment El - Gebel Necropolis The Cartonnage The Human mummies Tomb of the wooden coffins