Laila Sulaiman Saleh Bashuqair

Elevated NT-pro BNP plasma level as a marker of acute and sub-acute ventricular affection in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy / في البلازما كمؤشر لتأثر البطين الحاد و تحت الحاد في مريضات سرطان الثدي اللاتي يأخدنا علاجا كيميائيا ( NT-pro BNP )ارتفاع هرمون Laila Sulaiman Saleh Bashuqair ; Supervised Magdy Abdelhamid , Ghada Sayed Mahmoud , Dina Hesham Ahmed Soliman - Cairo : Laila Sulaiman Saleh Bashuqair , 2019 - 107 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Cardiology

Background: Chemotherapeutic agents used for treatment of breast cancer have many side effects, among them is cardiomyopathy. Despite that ejection fraction (EF) is a widely accepted echocardiographic method, yet it fails to detect subtle alterations of LV function. There comes a need for a more sensitive tool for detection of preclinical chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy. Purpose: Detection of preclinical LV systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction, using NT-BNP plasma level in breast cancer patients within 6 weeks after the initiation of their chemotherapeutic treatment. Methods: Seventy-four non-metastasizing breast cancer female patients with no cardiovascular risk factors were included. They were assessed right before taking their first chemotherapeutic session and 6 weeks thereafter. Assessment included age, two-dimensional (2D) as well as three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography. Blood samples for NT-BNP plasma level were collected before and 6 weeks after the initiation of chemotherapy. Samples were later analyzed using a Sandwich ELISA technique

Breast cancer LV dysfunction NT-BNP plasma level