Effect of deep flexor muscle strengthening on cervical radiculopathy caused by forward head poture : Systemaic review /
تقوية عضلات الثنى العميقة فى حالات اعتلال الضفيرة العصبية : دراسة مرجعية
Hayaa Yousri Hussien Khalifa ; Supervised Eman Samir Mohamad Fayez , Ahmed Abdullah Soliman Elfiki , Mahmoud Yassin Elzanaty
- Cairo : Hayaa Yousri Hussien Khalifa , 2019
- 92 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Physical Therapy for Neuromuscular and Neurosurgery
Background: In clinical practice, strengthening of deep neck flexor muscle decreasing pain in cervical radiculopathy.Aim of study: To systematically review and summarize the best evidence on efficiency of deep flexor cervical muscle strength for cervical radiculopathy and its causes.Study design: review of randomized controlled trials that are considering deep neck flexor strengthening in cervical radiculopathy patients.Study sample:The study sample comprised treatment studies analyze results of exercise containing deep neck flexor in cervical radiculopathy caused by forward head posture. Outcome measured: Crainovertebral angle, pain, disability, respiratory function FVC, FEV1.Method: A literature search from January 2000 up to 2018 was performed in PubMed, Cochrane, sciencedirect, and PEDro by two authors independently selected studies. The methodological quality of studies was assessed using Pedro scale
Cervical radiculopathy Deep neck flexor Forward head posture