Gehan Abdelfattah Mohammed Hegazy
Adhesion molecules polymorphism in peripheral atherosclerosis /
تعدد الاشكال الجينية للجزيئات الخلوية الملتصقة فى مرض تصلب الشرايين الطرفى
Gehan Abdelfattah Mohammed Hegazy ; Supervised Olfat G.Shaker , Zakaria Elkhayat , Khaled Mohamed Elhindawy
- Cairo : Gehan Abdelfattah Mohammed Hegazy , 2007
- 151P. : ill. ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Biochemistry
Our data support the hypothesis that inflammatory mechanisms are important in the pathophysiology of vascular diseases with an atherosclerotic basis
E - selectin ICAM - 1 PAOD (Peripheral arterial occlusive disease)