Clinicopathological studies on the use of adipose-derived stem cells in treatment of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats /
دراسات باثولوجية إكلينيكية على إستخدام الخلايا الجذعية المستخلصة من النسيج الدهني في علاج الفئران المستحدث بها مرض السكري
Ghada Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Khalil ; Supervised Safaa Yassin Sayed Ahmed , Shaymaa Ismaeil Salem
- Cairo : Ghada Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Khalil , 2019
- 124 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Clinical Pathology
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with severe progressive degenerative complications in many organs mainly diabetic nephropathy (DN). Adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is easily obtained and has abundant viable stem cell number obviating extensive expansion in culture, thus SVF utilization provides promising anticipation. Low laser intensity irradiation (LILI) was found to strengthen the therapeutic effect of non-expanded SVF through enhancing viability, protein expression and migration of stem cells. The current study aimed to demonstrate the effect of laser activated SVF IP transplantationin streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. Forty Sprague Dawley male rats were randomly and equally divided into four groups; (I) control group, (II) diabetic untreated group, (III) and (IV) diabetic treated groups in which laser activated SVF was transplanted as single and multiple IP injections, respectively. DM was induced by single IP injection of STZ at a dose of 55 mg/kg B.W. Group III and IV received the SVF at a dose of 1.5x106 nucleated cells/ rat IP at the 7th day of DM induction, 2 weeks later group IV received the second SVF injection. Adipose tissue was collected from abdominal subcutaneous region, digested, centrifuged and SVF pellet was activated using low intensity laser irradiation