Akram Amin Metwally

Wind wave hindcast off the mediterranean coast of Egypt / Akram Amin Metwally ; Suppervised Ahmed AbulAzm , Yasser ElDeberky - Cairo : Akram Amin Metwally , 2006 - 141P : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Civil Engineering

Wave hindcast is widely used to assess the wave conditions in both offshore and nearshore regionsA third generation ocean wave model is implemented to hindcast the wave climate in the eastern Mediterranean Sea offshore Egypt coastlineThe effects of the spatial grid resolution , the model physics , and input wind fields are examined using results of wave hindcastModel results of wave hindcast during selected storms are compared against wave observations offshore the Egyptian and Italian coasts as well as remotely sensed wave height data recorded by TOPEX - PESIDON , and ERS - 2 satellites in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Mediterranean Waves Winds