Khaled Mohamed Kamel

Updating on the present etiological and economical situation of infectious bronchitis on chicken industry in Egypt / الوضع الحالى لمسببات واقتصاديات الالتهاب الشعبى على صناعة الدواجن فى مصر Khaled Mohamed Kamel ; Supervised A.A.Bassiouni , Manal Afify Ali , Nagwa Saad Rabie - Cairo : Khaled Mohamed Kamel , 2007 - 255Leaves : ill. ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine - Department Of Animal Diseases

Since the initial description of IB in Eggypt , the disease still occurs in vaccinated and unvaccinated chicken farm.25 isolates of IBV could be isolated ; of them at least four multiple serotypes (variants) were identified.Variant strains in pathogenicity studies produced within 24 - 48 h.p.i , respiratory distress and nephritis - nephrosis associated with 20 percent - 100 percent

Egypt Cross Protection Infectious bronchitis Vacciantion program