18-FDG PET/CT assessment of functional brain metabolism in cancer patients after chemotherapy /
تقييم التمثيل الوظيفى للمخ فى مرضى السرطان بعد العلاج الكيميائى
Shady Mohamed Tarek Gamal ; Supervised Amr Osama M. A. Azab , Sherif Mohamed Elrefaei , Mohamed Mohamed Houseni
- Cairo : Shady Mohamed Tarek Gamal , 2019
- 93 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis
Most neuropsychological studies on CHT-treated cancer survivors reported cognitive impairments in multiple domains such as executive functions, learning, memory, attention, verbal fluency and speed of information processing. The CHT effects ranges from small to moderate, involving mostly the cognitive functions sub served by frontal lobes. PET/CT has the potential to serve as an early marker for cognitive changes associated with chemotherapy. Identification of a chemobrain based on metabolism patterns could then propagate the development and implementation of early interventions targeting chemotherapy-related cognitive dysfunction. Our study composed of thirty patients; all received chemotherapy. We found that there is a significant reduction in the brain metabolism "FDG uptake" in all regions of the brain, mainly at the mesial temporal lobes as well as the frontal lobes. This metabolic change proves that chemotherapy has an adverse effect on the brain that can be objectively assessed with modern imaging techniques so as to predict and minimize or delay such therapy related cognitive impairment for better quality of life of those patients
18-FDG PET/CT Cancer patients Functional brain metabolism