Mohammed Khalid Abdelhamid Dawoud

Clinical, pathological patterns and surgical management of early onset colorectal cancer at two geographically distinct referral centers in Egypt / الأنماط السريرية و الباثولوجية و الإدارة الجراحية لسرطان القولون و المستقيم المبكر فى مركزين منفصلين جغرافيا فى مصر : دراسه بحثيه Mohammed Khalid Abdelhamid Dawoud ; Supervised Sherif Ismail Maamoun , Tarek Sherif Elbaradie , Ashraf Labib Habib - Cairo : Mohammed Khalid Abdelhamid Dawoudv , 2019 - 95 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department of Oncology-Surgical

There is increase in early onset CRC at last decade all over the world. We described the disease in Egyptian patients and found high incidence of early onset CRC, high incidence of aggressive histopathological types and advanced stages. The disease was sporadically distributed. The most predominant type was the rectum. The disease in Egypt has unique clinicopathological entity need further studies

Colorectal cancer Egypt Surgical management