Biochemical studies of hippocampal gene expression of brain toll like receptor in diabetic&derived neurotrophic factor rats exposed to chronic restraint stress : Effect of antidepressant drugs /
دراسات كيميائية حيوية على التعبيرالجينى فى قرن امون لعامل التغذية العصبية المخية و مستقبل التول ليك فى الفئران المصابة بمرض السكر والمعرضة للضغط العصبى المزمن : تأثير مضادات الأكتئاب
Doaa Mohamed Hassan ; Supervised Ismail Abdelshafy Abdelhamid , Ahmed Ibrahim Amin , Samar Kamal Kassim
- Cairo : Doaa Mohamed Hassan , 2019
- 156 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Biochemistry
This work investigates the alteration in gene expression of BDNF and TLR4 in the hippocampus of diabetic rats and non-diabetic maleWistar rats exposed to chronic restraint stress.Study included eight groups were used. fourgroups include: 1-Naïve rats, 2-non-diabetic CRS vehicle treated, 3-non-diabetic CRS fluoxetine treated&4- non-diabetic CRS imipramine treated; the same four groups with diabetic rats. Laboratory investigation were determined by using semi quantitative RT-PCR&ELISA. Diabetic rats & rats expose to CRS show significant decrease in gene expression & protein of BDNF with significant increase in in gene expression & protein of TLR4. It is concluded that BDNF & TLR genes has effective role with inflammatory state &stress and act in contrary manner and the preferable of fluoxetine over imipramine