Ferial Mahmoud Rashad Hassan Hantera

Topsis-based lte-wifi offloading with realistic attributes / مستنداً لسمات واقعية TOPSISبإستخدام تقنية ال WiFi و LTE التنقل بين شبكات Ferial Mahmoud Rashad Hassan Hantera ; Supervised Mohamed Hazim Mohamed Sobhy Tawfik , Fadel Fadel Digham - Cairo : Ferial Mahmoud Rashad Hassan Hantera , 2019 - 80 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electronics and Communication

This thesis proposes a vertical handover scheme for determining the best network selection for Long Term Evolution (LTE) network offloading. Our proposed algorithm accounts for realistic attributes such as users mobility/velocity and users battery life. These realistic attributes are proposed in addition to other existing ones such as networks congestion level, maximum offered throughput, and received signal strength. Moreover, we propose a modified vertical handover algorithm which is based on Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) in addition to newly introduced techniques (Neighbor Validator and Handover Controller) for selecting the optimal target network. Afterward, we compare and assess our proposed scheme with others considered in the literature in terms of various realistic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) including users equipment power gain, session interruption, ping pong and un-useful handovers, in addition to other conventional metrics such as achievable throughput and total number of triggered handovers

LTE Vertical handover WiFi