Zainab Abdulrhman Mohammed

Satisfaction of adult patients with gummy smile treated by botulinum toxin A injection versus modified lip repositioning surgery : A randomized clinical trial / رضا المرضى البالغين ذوى الابتسامه اللثويه المعالجين بحقن توكسين البوتولينوم النوع أ مقارنه بالجراحه المعدله لاعاده تموضع الشفه : دراسه سريريه عشوائيه Zainab Abdulrhman Mohammed ; Supervised Mohammed Abdalalim Bushnak , Manal Foda , Dalia Alboghdadi - Cairo : Zainab Abdulrhman Mohammed , 2019 - 134 P. : charts , photographs ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Orthodontics

Objectives: This randomized clinical trial was conducted to assess the extent of patient's satisfaction and measure the degree of improvement in gingival display using BTX-A injection in comparison with modified surgical lip repositioning . Materials And Methods : Twenty patients with an age range of 18-35 years which included both males and females were enrolled in this study. and they were divided into two groups:Group I " the intervention group" : patients were treated by botox injection. Group II " the comparator group" : patients were treated by modified lip repositioning surgery. Patients included in the study had excessive gingival display more than 3 mm during smiling , hypermobile upper lip with or without (mild / moderate) vertical maxillary excess , normal morphology of clinical crowns , normal lip separation (ILG) at rest and were medically free . Subjects were recorded to acquire digital videographic film during full smile allowing the clinician to capture the best videoframe represents a patients nonposed smile. The smile images were then uploaded on OrisCeph Rx3 computer software , by which , soft tissue measurements were done , including gingival display and other parameters of lower facial esthetics like Upper lip length , Vermilion border width and interlabial gap upon smiling. Both botox injection and modified lip repositioning were applied to subjects according to the grouping generated previously. VAS ( Visual Analogue Scale ) from 0 to 10 was used to score patient's satisfaction . Posttreatment records were taken at 4,8,12 and 24 weeks in a time line taken 6 months. posttreatment records were taken at 4,8,12 and 24 weeks in a time line taken 6 months

Botulinum toxin A injection Gummy smile treated Modified lip repositioning surgery