High dose chemotherapy followed by allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplants (PBSCT) using reduced intenisty conditioning regimens for cases of high risk non hodgkins̀ lymphoma in first completeremission /
العلاج الكيميائى المكثف متبوعا بزرع الخلايا الجذعية الطرفية من متبرع باستخدام علاج تحضيرى مخفف فى حالات الاورام السرطانية اللييمفاوية عالية الخطورة فى حالات الاستجابة الاولى للمرض
Heba Abdelsattar Abdelaziz Dawood ; Supervised Ahmed Abdelwarith , Nadia Mokhtar , Thorraya Abdelhamid
- Cairo : Heba Abdelsattar Abdelaziz Dawood , 2006
- 191P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department Of Oncology
This study was conducted on 41 patients with diffuse large B - cell lymphoma of high intermedite and high risk groups.They were treated with intensfied CHOP regimen , and those who - achieved complete remission were randomized to have or not recduced intensity conditioning allogencic PBSCT according to the presence of identment approaches
Diffuse large B cell lymoma Intensifed CHOP Reduced intensity conditioning transplantation