Menna Allah Mohammed Abbas

Effect of aerobic exercises on the thyroid hormones in treated hypothyroid pregnant women / تأثير التمرينات الهوائية على هرمونات الغدة الدرقية فى السيدات الحوامل اللاتى يعالجن من قصور فى الغدة الدرقية Menna Allah Mohammed Abbas ; Supervised Salwa Mostafa Elbadry , Abeer Mohamed Eldeeb , Ahmed Mahmoud Sayed - Cairo : Menna Allah Mohammed Abbas , 2020 - 88 P. : charts , photoghrphs ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Physical Therapy for Obstetrics and Gynecology

Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aerobic exercises on the thyroid hormones in treated hypothyroid pregnant women. Subjects and methods: A total of 42 pregnant women with treated hypothyroidism participated in this study. Their age were ranged from 25 to 35 years and their body mass index were ranged from 30 to 35 kg/m2. They were randomly distributed into two groups. The control group received thyroxine replacement doses (100 æg/day), and the exercise group received the same medical treatment and participated in a program of aerobic exercises for 12 weeks. Blood samples were collected for measuring the serum level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxin (FT4) for each pregnant woman before the beginning as well as, after 12 weeks of the treatment. Results, showed that TSH level was significantly reduced (p=0.0001) in both control and exercise groups post-treatment; this reduction (p=0.0001) was in favor of exercise group. While FT4 level was significantly increased (p=0.0001) in the exercise group without significant difference (p=0.639) in the control group. Conclusion: Regular aerobic exercises decrease TSH level and increase FT4 level in treated hypothyroid pregnant women. So, it can be recommended for hypothyroid pregnant women along with the thyroxine replacement doses to improve the thyroid function and avoid the deleterious impact of hypothyroidism on mother and fetus

Aerobic exercise Hypothyroidism Pregnancy