Khalid Mohamed Toaima

Role of carbonated and inert stents in prevention of in - stent stenosis clinical and agngiographic follow up evaluation / دور الدعامات المكربنة والخاملة فى منع الضيق المرتجع داخل الدعامة من خلال التقييم الانجيوجرافى والاكلينيكى Khalid Mohamed Toaima ; Supervised Sherif Mokhtar , Helmy AlGhawaby , Ayman AlNaggar - Cairo : Khalid Mohamed Toaima , 2005 - 191P : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Critical Care Medicine

Carbon ions - by coating the stents - were suggested to decrease the hypersensitivity mediated in - stent restenosisThis study is an attempt to evaluate the ArthosInert and CarbostentTM in reducing restenosisWe studied 86 high risk lesions divided into three groups ; group A , B , and CClinical follow - up was performed one and six months after the procedureAngiographic follow - up was after six monthsAt 6 - months follow - up , there was no statistically significant difference between the 3 groups regarding neither the occurrence of MACE nor binary rest

ArthosInert CarbostentTM hypersensitivity to metals instent restenosis