Lamiaa Saad Abdallah Mahmoud

Effect of educational program on ergonomics knowledge and practice among primary school children / تأثير برنامج تعليمي علي المعلومات والممارسات الخاصة بالأرجونوميك بين أطفال المرحلة الابتدائية Lamiaa Saad Abdallah Mahmoud ; Supervised Nagah Mahmoud Abdou , Afaf Ibrahim Abdelrehim - Cairo : Lamiaa Saad Abdallah Mahmoud , 2020 - 167 , (50) Laeves : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Community Health Nursing

Ergonomics is the science of designing and using resources to maximize safety, efficiency, comfort and prevent injuries to the human anatomy.Aim:Assess the effect of an educational program on ergonomicsknowledge and practice among primary school children in Cairo Governorate.Design:Quasi experimental pre-post test design. Sample:A total of 100 primary school children were randomly selected from three primary governmental schools.Data were collected using School Children Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire,School Workstation Assessment Checklist, School Children Ergonomics Observational Checklist andWeighing Scale. Results: This study revealed animprovement in knowledge and practice mean scores in immediate and follow up post tests compared to pre test mean scores. As well, statistically significant differences were found betweentotal knowledge and total practice scores in pre, immediate post and follow up tests. Conclusion: The educational program is effective in improving the school children's ergonomics knowledge and practice. Therefore, it is recommended to replicate the research on a large sample and in different settings to achieve more generalization.Health instructional program that encourage healthful postural habits should be part of school health education to children

Ergonomics Knowledge and practices Primary school children