One year clinical evaluation of white spot lesions with newly introduced resin modified glass-ionomer in comparison to resin infiltration in anterior teeth : Split mouth randomized clinical trial /
سنة واحدة التقييم السريرى من آفات البقع البيضاء المعالجة مع الراتنج المستحدثة التعديل بالزجاج المتماثرات الشاردة في المقارنة مع الراتنج المتسلل في الأسنان الأمامية تقنيه الفم المنقسم : تجربه اكلينكيه عشوائيه
Shaimaa Mohammed Mostafa Ahmed Rohym ; Supervised Mohammed Farid Ryad , Asmaa Harhash
- Cairo : Shaimaa Mohammed Mostafa Ahmed Rohym , 2019
- 117 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Operative Dentistry
This in vivo study was carried out to evaluate the clinical performance of newly introduced resin modified glass ionomer cement varnish in comparison to resin infiltration in management of post-orthodontic white spot lesions using a split mouth technique.Six patients less than 30 years of age having six anterior maxillary and mandibular teeth with white spot lesions have minimum of 3 months of orthodontic debonding. Showing no history of bleaching, fluorosis or cavitated lesions were included in the study. Each patient signed a consent form after he/she was informed of the nature of the study. Patients were randomly allocated by selection for the sealed envelope containing which half will receive the control; resin infiltration (ICON, DMG) and the other will receive the intervention; resin modified glass ionomer cement varnish (Clinpro XT-3M). Randomization procedure consisted of two parts: sequence generation which is each patient will receive both: (R) represent the right side or (L) represent the left side. Each patient had (R ICON, L Clinproxt) or (L ICON, R Clinproxt) and allocation concealment that is, the service did not release the code until the patient had been recruited into the trial, that took place after all baseline measurements had been completed.The operator opened this sealed envelope at the time of operation containing the side and the material to use. The side to which intervention or control is assigned was recorded on a computer and all records of all patients were kept with the main supervisor
Resin modified glass-ionomer Visual Analog Scale (VAS) White spot lesions