Effect of the number of floors on progressive collapse of multi-story precast concrete structures /
تاثر عدد الادوار على سلوك الانھ
Mohamed Adel Korany Hassan ; Supervised Hamed Mohamed Salem Hadhoud , Mariam Mohamed Ehab
- Cairo : Mohamed Adel Korany Hassan , 2020
- 66 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering
Progressive collapse is defined as the chain failure of the overall structure due to losing one of the main structural elements. Recently, many codes studied the effect of the overall structural behavior due to the loss of one of the main elements and set some limitations for structures safety. However, the effect of the number of floors on the overall structure behavior still ambiguous. In this research, a numerical study is conducted on a typical Span of a multi-story precast reinforced concrete structure with ordinary moment frame connection to investigate the effect of varying the number of floors (5,7, and 10 Floors) under different column removal scenarios (Corner, interior, and edge columns). The structure is designed according to the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) and the Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14) codes. Non-linear dynamic analysis for the structure is carried out using Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) software. The Applied Element Method (AEM) is used to create a 3D model to assess the structures progressive collapse behavior as a result of primary support removal. Structure performance is presented in column, beam, and joints behavior. Axial forces for beams and columns and maximum beam deflection are used to investigate the effect of Number of Floors on structural behavior. The results showed that Neglecting the slab contribution during the analysis phase will not represent the actual behavior of the structure under the progressive collapse. with the increase of number of floors the Vierendeel action increases, but its effect is small compared to the increase of gravity loads
Applied Element Method Precast concrete connections The effect of number of floors