Assem Ahmed Mohamed Elbrashy

Surgical and oncological outcome of the extremity soft tissue sarcoma following en Bloc resection of the neurovascular bundle / النتائج الجراحية لاستئصال اورام الانسجة الرخوة بالاطراف ككتلة واحدة مع الحزمه الدموية والعصبية Assem Ahmed Mohamed Elbrashy ; Supervised Mohamed Elzohairy , Elsaied Ashraf Abdelhamed , Haitham Fekry Othman - Cairo : Assem Ahmed Mohamed Elbrashy , 2020 - 124 P. : facsmailies ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department of Oncology (surgical)

Extremity STS are aggressive and rare malignant tumors with several factors such as size, depth, grade, tumor location, pathological type, modality of treatment and surgical margin after resection which influence outcome. Following a tissue diagnosis and staging, the treatment of patients with STS involves a multidisciplinary team approach and most patients are eligible for limb-salvage surgery aiming complete surgical excision with negative margins, usually combined with radiation. Advances in treatment protocols and improvements in imaging techniques have helped to improve the outcome for this type of tumor and reduce the amputation rate to approximately 5%.[140143] Following treatment the majority of patients can expect a painless and functional extremity

Bloc resection Neurovascular bundle Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS)