Impact of lymph node ratio on prognosis of advanced laryngeal carcinoma with nodal metastasis /
تأثير نسبة العقد الليمفاوية على التنبؤ بتطور سرطان الحنجرة المتقدم المصحوب بثانويات بالعقد الليمفاوية
Mena Esmat Abdelmalek ; Supervised Aly Ahmed Elgarem , Ahmed Elfarouk Abdelfattah , Sameh Medhat Zamzam
- Cairo : Mena Esmat Abdelmalek , 2020
- 90 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of E.N.T
Background: Patients with pathologically positive nodes generally have a 50% lower cure rate than patients without nodal metastasis. However, among patients with positive cervical metastases, nodal stage does not necessarily predict prognosis. Understanding the prognostic factors for survival in patients with pN+ laryngeal SCC may improve treatment strategies This study aimed at evaluation of lymph node density in patients with advanced laryngeal cancer undergoing total laryngectomy with either comprehensive or selective neck dissection and detection of its relation to tumor recurrence.Methods:This is a prospective study, has been conducted on 87 patients, diagnosed with advanced laryngeal carcinoma (T3, T4) and candidate for total laryngectomy with either comprehensive or selective neck dissection, presented to otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic at faculty of medicine, Cairo university, Egypt. Lymph node density (LND) was determined by calculating the ratio between number of resected lymph nodes positive for malignancy and total number of resected lymph nodes regardless whether the patient had unilateral or bilateral neck dissection. The mean follow up duration for tumor recurrence was 18 months (range 12 22 months). Results: LND, number of positive lymph nodes, involved surgical margins, adjuvant chemotherapy and presence of metastatic LNs were the statistically significant predictors for disease recurrence in univariate analysis
laryngeal carcinoma Lymph node ratio nodal metastasis