Tamer Ali Abelrahman Nafea

Comparison between manipulation and arthroscopic capsular release in management of primary adhesive capsulitis / مقارنة ما بين استخدام تحريك مفصل الكتف و استخدام المنظار الجراحى لفك التصاقات تيبس مفصل الكتف الأولى Tamer Ali Abelrahman Nafea ; Supervised Khaled Abdelsalam Shohayeb , Ashraf Nihad Moharram , Ahmed Rezk Mohamed - Cairo : Tamer Ali Abelrahman Nafea , 2020 - 158 P. : charts , facimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Adhesive capsulitis primarily affects women between ages 40 and 60 years old. (Hsu JE, 2011)The natural history is well documented and multiple authors have described the stages of progression from freezing to thawing over a duration of 2-3 years.(Hannafin JA, 2000) The natural history of idiopathic adhesive capsulitis is often considered benign and is thought to resolve spontaneously within two to four years.(DʼOrsi GM, 2012) However the prolonged period of pain and disability cause patients to seek one of the many varied interventions offered for the treatment of this difficult condition. Physiotherapy, steroid injections, manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) with or without steroid injection and arthroscopic capsular release (ACR0 are all established procedures to reduce and / or relive the symptomsof adhesive capsulitis, with good results

Arthroscopic capsular management Arthroscopic capsular release (ACR) Primary adhesive capsulitis