Ulltrasound assessment of foetal head-perineum distance prior to induction of labour as a predictor of successful vaginal delivery /
تقييم الموجات فوق الصوتية للمسافة بين رأس الجنين والعجان قبل تحريض المخاض كمتنبئ بنجاح الولادة المهبلية
Ali Fathy Ali ; Supervised Soumya Mohamed Hassan , Huda Mohamed Abdelaal , Mohamed Fekry Yousef
- Cairo : Ali Fathy Ali , 2020
- 119 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Induction of labor is a widely used intervention on the modern labor. The Bishop score, since its description in 1964, remains the gold standard for assessing favorability for induction of labor. However, the preinduction favorability of the cervix as assessed by the Bishop score is very subjective and several studies have demonstrated a poor predictive value for the outcome of induction especially in women with a low Bishop score. The aim of this study : was to evaluate The effectiveness of ultrasound assessment of Foetal Head-Perineum Distance prior to induction of labour as a predictor of successful vaginal delivery. Patients and Methods: In our study 130 women 37-41 weeks pregnancy underwent induction of labor. Before induction a digital examination of the cervix was performed & the Bishop score noted. Foetal Head-Perineum Distancewas measured by a transpernial ultrasound. Results &conclusion : a statistically significant positive correlation between Foetal Head-Perineum Distance measured by ultrasound and successful induction and probability of C.S
Bishop Score Induction of Labour Ultrasonographic assessment of Foetal Head