Upgrading biogas by biological conversion of CO₂and H₂ to CH₄ /
رفع القيمة الحرارية للغاز الحيوى عن طريق التحويل البيولوجى لثانى أكسيد الكربون والهيدروجين إلى الميثان
Menna Alaah Samir Gaber Ahmed Gaber ; Supervised Fatma Ashour , María Fdz-Polanco
- Cairo : Menna Alaah Samir Gaber Ahmed Gaber , 2020
- 94 P. : charts , facimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering
This study reports on biological biogas upgrading by means of hydrogen addition to obtain biomethane, the aim of all upgrading biogas technologies is to achieve high methane purity and low methane losses with low energy consumption. The experiment demonstrated that biological methanation in continuous stirred tank reactor is well feasible for biogas upgrading under the prerequisite that an adequate H2 source is available, and observed that the production of bio-methane was 90% of the produced gases, reduction of greenhouse gases